Conflict Free Diamonds Policy
(Blood Diamonds Policy)
What are Conflict Diamonds?
Conflict diamonds are diamonds used to fund military action by rebel armies opposed to legitimate and internationally recognized governments. These conditions are prominent in Central and West African areas such as Sierra Leone. Rebels use inhumane methods to extract diamonds from these regions. Eliminating this human rights crisis is a top priority for our government and the global diamond industry, as well as the United Nations, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
Stay up to date on the fight against blood diamonds by going to

The Kimberley Process. Stopping Blood and Conflict Diamonds.
Our Conflict Free Diamond Policy
At, we adhere to a strict, zero-tolerance policy toward conflict diamonds. only deals with highly reputable and well-known diamond suppliers who participate in the System of Warranties and follow the guidelines of the Kimberley Process. All diamonds provided by are obtained through legitimate sources, and are warrantied to be conflict free.
The World Diamond Council was formed in 2000 to help stop the trade of conflict diamonds. Governments as well as nongovernmental organizations have adopted the Kimberley Process to police trade lines and aide in banning the sale of conflict diamonds. The Kimberley Process, which came into operation on January 1, 2003, is a system to ensure every rough diamond crossing the border is certified conflict free by a strict system of forgery-resistant documents and serial numbers. This process has helped make more than 99% of all diamonds traded in the industry conflict free.
If you have any questions or concerns in regards to your diamond purchase, please contact one of our knowledgeable representatives to assist you.
Our Stance on Conflict Gold
We understand the environmental and socio-economic impact that conflict gold mining practices have on our world. We, along with other leaders of the retail jewelry industry, have made a commitment to call for more responsible mining of gold and other precious metals. follows the Golden Rules set up by EarthWorks, which demonstrates the importance of these principles for more responsible mining.
The Golden Rules call on mining companies to meet the following basic standards in their operations:
- Respect basic human rights outlined in international conventions and law.
- Obtain the free, prior, and informed consent of affected communities.
- Respect workers’ rights and labor standards, including safe working conditions.
- Ensure that operations are not located in areas of armed or militarized conflict.
- Ensure that projects do not force communities off their lands.
- Ensure that projects are not located in protected areas, fragile ecosystems, or other areas of high conservation or ecological value.
- Refrain from dumping mine wastes into the ocean, rivers, lakes, or streams.
- Ensure that projects do not contaminate water, soil, or air with sulfuric acid drainage or other toxic chemicals.
- Cover all costs of closing down and cleaning up mine sites.
- Fully disclose information about social and environmental effects of projects.
- Allow independent verification of the above.